mandag 8. januar 2007

Ichigo 100%

Ichigo 100% or strawberry 100% as the english translation is named is on of the greatest love manga's i have read in a long time.  Mizuki Kawashita really manages to bring out the real emotions of all the charackters. The story itselfs revolves around Manaka Junpei who dreams of becoming a movie director. The Manga starts out as a usual love triangel manga with around 5 girls liking Manaka at the most. Although it starts of as a usual love triangel the story quickly developes to stages past this. Although can't seem to make up his mind on which girl he wants he is not the usual idiot in the reletion ship and the useles guy that doesen't get the girls fealings. The story developes lovely throughout the serie and the last 2 volumes left me in tears throughout because of the beautifull love i could feel between the charackters. Also the prologe i find really fitting, where you get to see what everyone does 6 years later how the charackters have developed even then. Most mangas or at least anime's i have seen just ends (which is the case with the ichigo manga) i personaly don't find such ends fitting because when i get as hung up with the charackters as i usualy do i want to say a real goodbye to the charackter and not sit back longing for more. This is definetly one of the greatest mangas i have read to date, even rivaling Negima and Azumanga daiou although those two are in a compleate diffrent genre.

all in all Ichigo 100% gives you a love comedy like you've never seen before and you will feel the love and emotion between all the charackters truly!
So i'll say if you like love mangas where you truly feel the emotions of the charackters go for Ichigo without hesitation!

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